What's up guys welcome back to another article on my web in website sorry welcome back to another article on my gaming website so today in this article we are talking about a brand new game in fact we can also say that today your talking about the most awaited game ever yes guys today we are talking about pubg mobile Lite game guys I'm not talking about pubg PC Lite but if you guys want the player unknown battlegrounds PC Lite game India then I have made it a separate article on it I will request you if you guys want to download the player unknown battlegrounds PC Lite India game then you guys can download that on my website just check out but today we are talking about pubg mobile Lite so guys as we all guys are know that the pubg mobile Lite is is lost already but it is not globally launch we can also say that it is not available for India but today is a very good news for all The Gamers specially for the 1GB RAM mobile phones Gamers that the pubg lite the pubg mobile Lite is now lost for android globally and now we can play it on India also so this is a good news for all the game was out there so if you guys want to download the game then the downloading process will be so simple but if your phone is 3 or 4 GB RAM then I must pay for you to not download this game because in 3 and 4 GB RAM phone the pubg Mobile official game is enough to play on it this video is for 1GB RAM phones users so if you guys having any 1GB RAM phone and want to play the pubg mobile Lite version for your Android device then you can download it.

Now let's talk about the game so basically we can say that this is the clone version of the the actual pubg mobile game actual pubg mobile game is a high end game the meaning of high end mobile game is is the actual pubg mobile game works on on high specification mobiles like it need 3 to 4 GB of RAM so these are the reason they have launch the pubg mobile Lite version talking about the size difference between pubg mobile and pubg mobile Lite is or not like the actual pubg mobile is of 2GB I guess or 2.5 gB and talking about the size of player unknown battlegrounds Lite that is the pubg mobile Lite is is 500MB so we can actually feel the difference of size between the pubg mobile and the pubg mobile Lite so recently we have talk about the size difference between player unknown battlegrounds mobile game and the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game not talking about the game the game graphics are amazing and there is 3D sound were provided in this game this is the best think I have heard about the pubg mobile game when we play this game we can actually know the food voice the food sound and we can actually feel that the sound where coming from which direction and to feel that they have provided us the 3D sound effects and this thing I loved it. So call talking about pubg mobile Lite game it is amazing game if you guys want to download and want to check this came out and you guys can just try this game out the downloading link will be provided to all of you guys given below. You get the same experience same experience like the pubg mobile actual game.

Now let's talk about some other things about this game talking about the other things are this game is come up with the high graphics as already discussed about this talking about the maps the size of maps so as we compare this game to the actual pubg mobile game the amount of map is a small because to get maximum things in 500 MB of game it's a very difficult task for the tencent gaming company and they did it they just did this very amazingly and the best thing about this game is they have provided All guns in this game like literally the company not only provided a lot of girls in it but also update it some new plans in this game also so when I had this thing I just got very happy that in 500 MB of pubg mobile Lite game we got a lot of things to do and the new thing which is added that is new gun added in the name of the organ is RGB so this is a cool thing and every gamer is loved that yes guys and a lot of people have doubt that the snipers wear are not provided in the pubg mobile Lite game so I would love to say you guys that all the snipers where provided in this game you can get the same feeling as the actual pubg mobile you can actually snipe and get a headshot.
Love let's talk about the reason behind making of the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game yes guys now we in this paragraph talking about the reason behind making the pubg mobile Lite game for Android devices so as we compare the amount of people having 1 GB RAM phone as compared to 2GB,3GB or 4GB RAM phone 1GB RAM phone users are a lot add a lot of users or a lot of gamers where actually give their feedback to the tencent gaming company about please make a Lite version of the actual pubg mobile game which is available on Play Store so that the 1GB RAM phone players can also get that feeling to play the actual pubg mobile game on the Android devices on top of that this game has created and we can easily play the pubg mobile Lite game on our 1GB RAM phone because it is made for that purpose only obviously the tencent gaming company wants a lot of users and after launching the pubg mobile Lite game now the amount of users in pubg mobile game is going to increased for sure. So this is the reason behind it and talking about the players but game has Die Hard fans and I am one of those. The meaning of Lite version is the clone of exact version in a less amount of size this is called as light version and that is why they have made it so I would love to congratulate to the 1 GB RAM phones users that the pubg mobile Lite game is officially released for their phones so they can enjoy the pubg game now so you guys can enjoy the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game on your low end android phones.

So guys this is the information that I have given to all of you guys about the pubg mobile Lite game and your skies let me just tell you guys again that the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game is now officially available for Android and IOS devices if you guys having a low end Android phone phone like 1GB RAM phone then just don't wait go ahead and download the pubg mobile Lite game for Android or iOS device and just enjoy the rest of the game. And as I told in the above paragraph that the game is amazing come up with and high graphics and the best thing about this player unknown Battleground mobile Lite game that I personally liked a lot is that the 3D sound quality of the game every true gamer having doubt in their mind about the upcoming game which is already launched and we talked about the same game very easy player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game that is this game contest 3D sound effects in it and the answer of this doubtful question we are given by the official tencent mobile company and that is easiest this game having 3D sound effects sophia guys haven't ate download this then just go ahead scroll down and download button will be provided to all of you guys just type on that download button and your downloading will be started in a seconds and let's just enjoy the rest of the game and if you guys have not it subscribe our YouTube channel then just go ahead and subscribe our YouTube channel and press the bell Icon so you guys never miss another update from us and I will meet you guys in the next one article with an amazing refreshing game till then peace.
What's up guys welcome back to another article on my web in website sorry welcome back to another article on my gaming website so today in this article we are talking about a brand new game in fact we can also say that today your talking about the most awaited game ever yes guys today we are talking about pubg mobile Lite game guys I'm not talking about pubg PC Lite but if you guys want the player unknown battlegrounds PC Lite game India then I have made it a separate article on it I will request you if you guys want to download the player unknown battlegrounds PC Lite India game then you guys can download that on my website just check out but today we are talking about pubg mobile Lite so guys as we all guys are know that the pubg mobile Lite is is lost already but it is not globally launch we can also say that it is not available for India but today is a very good news for all The Gamers specially for the 1GB RAM mobile phones Gamers that the pubg lite the pubg mobile Lite is now lost for android globally and now we can play it on India also so this is a good news for all the game was out there so if you guys want to download the game then the downloading process will be so simple but if your phone is 3 or 4 GB RAM then I must pay for you to not download this game because in 3 and 4 GB RAM phone the pubg Mobile official game is enough to play on it this video is for 1GB RAM phones users so if you guys having any 1GB RAM phone and want to play the pubg mobile Lite version for your Android device then you can download it.

Now let's talk about the game so basically we can say that this is the clone version of the the actual pubg mobile game actual pubg mobile game is a high end game the meaning of high end mobile game is is the actual pubg mobile game works on on high specification mobiles like it need 3 to 4 GB of RAM so these are the reason they have launch the pubg mobile Lite version talking about the size difference between pubg mobile and pubg mobile Lite is or not like the actual pubg mobile is of 2GB I guess or 2.5 gB and talking about the size of player unknown battlegrounds Lite that is the pubg mobile Lite is is 500MB so we can actually feel the difference of size between the pubg mobile and the pubg mobile Lite so recently we have talk about the size difference between player unknown battlegrounds mobile game and the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game not talking about the game the game graphics are amazing and there is 3D sound were provided in this game this is the best think I have heard about the pubg mobile game when we play this game we can actually know the food voice the food sound and we can actually feel that the sound where coming from which direction and to feel that they have provided us the 3D sound effects and this thing I loved it. So call talking about pubg mobile Lite game it is amazing game if you guys want to download and want to check this came out and you guys can just try this game out the downloading link will be provided to all of you guys given below. You get the same experience same experience like the pubg mobile actual game.

Now let's talk about some other things about this game talking about the other things are this game is come up with the high graphics as already discussed about this talking about the maps the size of maps so as we compare this game to the actual pubg mobile game the amount of map is a small because to get maximum things in 500 MB of game it's a very difficult task for the tencent gaming company and they did it they just did this very amazingly and the best thing about this game is they have provided All guns in this game like literally the company not only provided a lot of girls in it but also update it some new plans in this game also so when I had this thing I just got very happy that in 500 MB of pubg mobile Lite game we got a lot of things to do and the new thing which is added that is new gun added in the name of the organ is RGB so this is a cool thing and every gamer is loved that yes guys and a lot of people have doubt that the snipers wear are not provided in the pubg mobile Lite game so I would love to say you guys that all the snipers where provided in this game you can get the same feeling as the actual pubg mobile you can actually snipe and get a headshot.
Love let's talk about the reason behind making of the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game yes guys now we in this paragraph talking about the reason behind making the pubg mobile Lite game for Android devices so as we compare the amount of people having 1 GB RAM phone as compared to 2GB,3GB or 4GB RAM phone 1GB RAM phone users are a lot add a lot of users or a lot of gamers where actually give their feedback to the tencent gaming company about please make a Lite version of the actual pubg mobile game which is available on Play Store so that the 1GB RAM phone players can also get that feeling to play the actual pubg mobile game on the Android devices on top of that this game has created and we can easily play the pubg mobile Lite game on our 1GB RAM phone because it is made for that purpose only obviously the tencent gaming company wants a lot of users and after launching the pubg mobile Lite game now the amount of users in pubg mobile game is going to increased for sure. So this is the reason behind it and talking about the players but game has Die Hard fans and I am one of those. The meaning of Lite version is the clone of exact version in a less amount of size this is called as light version and that is why they have made it so I would love to congratulate to the 1 GB RAM phones users that the pubg mobile Lite game is officially released for their phones so they can enjoy the pubg game now so you guys can enjoy the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game on your low end android phones.

So guys this is the information that I have given to all of you guys about the pubg mobile Lite game and your skies let me just tell you guys again that the player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game is now officially available for Android and IOS devices if you guys having a low end Android phone phone like 1GB RAM phone then just don't wait go ahead and download the pubg mobile Lite game for Android or iOS device and just enjoy the rest of the game. And as I told in the above paragraph that the game is amazing come up with and high graphics and the best thing about this player unknown Battleground mobile Lite game that I personally liked a lot is that the 3D sound quality of the game every true gamer having doubt in their mind about the upcoming game which is already launched and we talked about the same game very easy player unknown battlegrounds mobile Lite game that is this game contest 3D sound effects in it and the answer of this doubtful question we are given by the official tencent mobile company and that is easiest this game having 3D sound effects sophia guys haven't ate download this then just go ahead scroll down and download button will be provided to all of you guys just type on that download button and your downloading will be started in a seconds and let's just enjoy the rest of the game and if you guys have not it subscribe our YouTube channel then just go ahead and subscribe our YouTube channel and press the bell Icon so you guys never miss another update from us and I will meet you guys in the next one article with an amazing refreshing game till then peace.