Whats up guys today in this article we all guys are talking about very special topic and that is if you are Indian like me we love to play games based on India like the Indian environment for the Indian culture were represented in some games we love to watch it and we love to play it you guys today in this article we guys are talking about some games which are based on India so guys let's just start our interesting gaming article so now talking about the games which contains India all the games based on India country there are a couple of games that you guys can try if you guys are Indian Oriya film I love Indian culture so guys talking about games then let's move on our first game so guys there are lot of games which have represented India in their games but let me we just talk about top 2 games which contains in India deeply e n these games are very high graphical so let's get started before we started and talking about the games which represented India I just talked about why this gaming developer represented India.

so there are several reason behind it so let's just talk about the reasons one by one but before we talk about the reasons behind this let me just tell you that these reasons are totally my opinion as I am a gamer and I have couple of knowledge about gaming so that is why i am telling you guys about this games so let's just start so the reason behind representing India in games is nothing but the population of India as everybody know that India has billions of population in the whole world India is in 2nd rank in the population and as the Indian people gets game like based on India like they want to play high graphic games and if the game contains the whole Indian culture and the whole Indian environment then being Indian everyone want to play it and just for targeting Indian audience to play this game they have represented the India in their games this is a reason. Now let's move on towards second reason behind every presenting of India in games.

so every game developer or every adventurous game developer I want there game to be full of mystery and talking about some Indian history the whole Indian history is full of mystery there are a lot of mysterious things where present in India so maybe the game developer has represented India because of these things also Indian culture is very different as we thought like of foreign country so guys this can be the main two reasons and the third reason is like simple everyone loves India and that is why they have decided to represent India in there games and which is a good thing now let's talk about the games who have contains India and Indian so guys if you are true gamer then you guys must know that the Hitman 2 game contains missions from all over the world and in some missions there is India where represented now let's talk about detailed about this.

so the Hitman 2 is an amazing popular game and in some missions where provided to all of us gamer in India have provided a city from India and the name of the City is Mumbai I know all of you guys are know about Mumbai Mumbai contain sea the Mumbai contains a lot of things and after playing this Hitman 2 Mumbai mission talking about the the representation of Mumbai in the game then I have to say that the gaming developers has nailed it they have perfectly represented the Mumbai City India Hitman 2 game they have covered each and every single thing which represented that yes this is Mumbai and talking about the other things the buildings and the others stuffs in Mumbai they just have not even left a single blank ok and that is pretty impressive for me and it is impressive for every Indian gamer also.

Now this is the first game which have represented India specially Mumbai India games now let's move on towards our next game and that is as you all guys are know that the uncharted series is one of the most famous and demanding Game series ever there are are lot of uncharted games where present talking about uncharted 4 is one of the most popular games I ever seen but talking about the game which represent India is uncharted The Lost legacy this is one of the most popular games and every Indian has fall in love with this game because this game contains India specially South India the Kerala and the mysterious temples of Kerala if you are Indian and if you guys have not yet tried the uncharted lost Legacy game yet then I prefer to all of you guys to try out this game but before you guys are go ahead let me just tell you guys that the uncharted lost Legacy game is is exclusively available for PS4.

now the meaning of exclusively available is this game is available for only PS4 that is PlayStation 4 consoles if you guys are pcgamer or if you guys are Xbox gamer then I am sorry to say you that you guys can't play it on PC for even Xbox so if you guys want to play the uncharted lost legacy the game who represented India then you guys must I need a Playstation 4 console two play it. So guys these are the games where represented India in their story line and your other stuff if you guys found this article to be helpful and informative then don't forget give your valuable comment to all of us in the comment box below and I will meet you guys in the next one game with an amazing gaming article on my website till then peace.
Whats up guys today in this article we all guys are talking about very special topic and that is if you are Indian like me we love to play games based on India like the Indian environment for the Indian culture were represented in some games we love to watch it and we love to play it you guys today in this article we guys are talking about some games which are based on India so guys let's just start our interesting gaming article so now talking about the games which contains India all the games based on India country there are a couple of games that you guys can try if you guys are Indian Oriya film I love Indian culture so guys talking about games then let's move on our first game so guys there are lot of games which have represented India in their games but let me we just talk about top 2 games which contains in India deeply e n these games are very high graphical so let's get started before we started and talking about the games which represented India I just talked about why this gaming developer represented India.

so there are several reason behind it so let's just talk about the reasons one by one but before we talk about the reasons behind this let me just tell you that these reasons are totally my opinion as I am a gamer and I have couple of knowledge about gaming so that is why i am telling you guys about this games so let's just start so the reason behind representing India in games is nothing but the population of India as everybody know that India has billions of population in the whole world India is in 2nd rank in the population and as the Indian people gets game like based on India like they want to play high graphic games and if the game contains the whole Indian culture and the whole Indian environment then being Indian everyone want to play it and just for targeting Indian audience to play this game they have represented the India in their games this is a reason. Now let's move on towards second reason behind every presenting of India in games.

so every game developer or every adventurous game developer I want there game to be full of mystery and talking about some Indian history the whole Indian history is full of mystery there are a lot of mysterious things where present in India so maybe the game developer has represented India because of these things also Indian culture is very different as we thought like of foreign country so guys this can be the main two reasons and the third reason is like simple everyone loves India and that is why they have decided to represent India in there games and which is a good thing now let's talk about the games who have contains India and Indian so guys if you are true gamer then you guys must know that the Hitman 2 game contains missions from all over the world and in some missions there is India where represented now let's talk about detailed about this.

so the Hitman 2 is an amazing popular game and in some missions where provided to all of us gamer in India have provided a city from India and the name of the City is Mumbai I know all of you guys are know about Mumbai Mumbai contain sea the Mumbai contains a lot of things and after playing this Hitman 2 Mumbai mission talking about the the representation of Mumbai in the game then I have to say that the gaming developers has nailed it they have perfectly represented the Mumbai City India Hitman 2 game they have covered each and every single thing which represented that yes this is Mumbai and talking about the other things the buildings and the others stuffs in Mumbai they just have not even left a single blank ok and that is pretty impressive for me and it is impressive for every Indian gamer also.

Now this is the first game which have represented India specially Mumbai India games now let's move on towards our next game and that is as you all guys are know that the uncharted series is one of the most famous and demanding Game series ever there are are lot of uncharted games where present talking about uncharted 4 is one of the most popular games I ever seen but talking about the game which represent India is uncharted The Lost legacy this is one of the most popular games and every Indian has fall in love with this game because this game contains India specially South India the Kerala and the mysterious temples of Kerala if you are Indian and if you guys have not yet tried the uncharted lost Legacy game yet then I prefer to all of you guys to try out this game but before you guys are go ahead let me just tell you guys that the uncharted lost Legacy game is is exclusively available for PS4.

now the meaning of exclusively available is this game is available for only PS4 that is PlayStation 4 consoles if you guys are pcgamer or if you guys are Xbox gamer then I am sorry to say you that you guys can't play it on PC for even Xbox so if you guys want to play the uncharted lost legacy the game who represented India then you guys must I need a Playstation 4 console two play it. So guys these are the games where represented India in their story line and your other stuff if you guys found this article to be helpful and informative then don't forget give your valuable comment to all of us in the comment box below and I will meet you guys in the next one game with an amazing gaming article on my website till then peace.